This year, the Day of Protected Areas in Latin America and the Caribbean - AP LAC, is celebrated for the first time, with the motto Let's Celebrate Protected and Conserved Areas for Well-being! Día de las Áreas Protegidas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe – AP LAC, con el lema ¡Celebremos a las Áreas Protegidas y Conservadas para el Bienestar!

“Protected areas are considered the most effective mechanism for the conservation of biodiversity, their contributions to humanity are innumerable and essential, and they include, among others, pollination services, medicinal plants, agro-biodiversity, source of production and recolonization of marine species, genetic bank, source of clean water, reefs, mangroves and wetlands for the protection of the coasts... these areas can be divided into terrestrial and marine or marine-coastal, or private, public, communal, or of a mixed nature» – Guide AP AC @celebracion_areasprotegidas

In Chile we have four types of Marine Protected Areas: “marine parks and marine reserves, which are essentially aquatic; nature sanctuaries and protected marine and coastal areas of multiple uses, which may contain portions of land» @subpescacl

Although great progress has been made in our country and important projects have been implemented for the protection of marine ecosystems; It is still necessary to generate greater awareness and social commitment to contribute to this purpose.

From ACÚSTICA MARINA we make a call to join all the actions developed by different organizations, specialized centers and international organizations, and act in an articulated way for the care of protected areas that are so important for the well-being of all humanity.








We invite you to learn more about our marine protected areas

Nazca-Desventuradas Marine Park 

Rapa Nui National Park